Post-Conference Sessions (previously Pre-Conference)

Post-Conference Sessions (previously Pre-Conference)

Post-cons will take place on Wednesday, July 2nd from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM. They're an excellent way to get even more out of your Forum experience!

Building a Culture of Innovation

Maximizing impact in a community requires governing bodies to address such difficult issues as risks, ethics, funding, and personalities. How can you avoid conflicts of interest among board members, control organizational image, and respond effectively to social media or breaking news that surrounds workforce development issues? In this pre-conference session, we’ll explore state, local elected official, and local board responsibilities, internal controls, risk management, and creating a culture of trust and innovation that can help your board stand out in your community or region. Presenters will share their experiences on using board governance as a tool to solve the toughest challenges workforce development boards are facing.  

Moderator: Tom Kavanagh, COO, JobWorks
Speakers: John Flanagan, Executive Director, CareerSource Tampa Bay

Strategies for Connecting the Dots

Have you ever wondered how the unemployment rate can increase while the job market is improving, or how it can decrease when the economy is slowing? Are you challenged to define how your labor pool is impacted by the rapid changes in technology and the gig economy? Understanding the trends in your regional workforce and labor market is crucial to developing effective workforce strategies and designing programs that work for your local economy. In this session, presented by the Labor Market Information Institute, participants will gain exposure to various workforce, demographic, and economic data sources and apply basic analytical skills to answer real-world questions. This year's labor market data session is packed with tools and resources that can help you integrate more LMI into your workforce strategies. Expect a highly interactive workshop with audience participation throughout!
Moderators: Marty Romitti, LMI Institute and Senior Vice President, CREC, Arlington, VA
Speakers: Andrew Hait, Economist, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC
Allison Forbes, Research Director, Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness, Arlington, VA
Jason Palmer, Director, Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives, Lansing, MI

Building Better Organizations with New Tools

Technology drives many of the ways we interact with and interpret the world around us. It enables us to be more efficient, more connected, and more informed. Without technology, workforce boards are likely to find themselves struggling to connect with and effectively meet the needs of jobseekers and businesses that increasingly demand customized, responsive service. Workforce professionals understand the importance of digital skills for our clients; seek out new tools and resources to support our teams; and strive to adapt and modernize our strategies and services to meet the changing demands of workers, learners, and businesses.

In this session, we’ll connect and learn from one another’s practical experiences, exchange tools and resources, and apply newly acquired knowhow to create action plans for using technology to confront an existing problem within our organizations or the workforce ecosystem.

Facilitators: Josh Copus, Director, JFFLabs, Washington, DC
Dawn Karber, COO, Spokane Workforce Council, Spokane, WA
Steven Nguyen, VP of Innovation & Technology,  CareerSource Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Priyanka Sharma, Co-Director, Digital US EdTech Center @ World Education, Boston, MA
Carrie Straub, Ph.D. Executive Director of Educational Programs and Research Mursion, Inc., San Francisco, CA
Kevin Williams, WorkSource Spokane Campus Operator, WorkSource, Spokane, WA

Maximizing ALL Funding Streams for Sustainability 

There have always been silos of funding streams at the federal, state and local levels. Some of these work against the other or have similar requirements, but all have to be treated as separate, unrelated funds. Today we see more coordination of funds “allowed” and even required. Add to the mix is the presence and availability of private funds from foundations, CBOs and nonprofit organizations. This workshop explores strategies for the effective and efficient management of all funds and how to use each source to leverage other funds.

Moderator: Tracey Carey, Director, Midwest Urban Strategies
Jerry Roberts, Director of Corporate and Philanthropic Engagement Midwest Urban Strategies
Chelsea Meldrum, Development and External Affairs Officer, Employ Indy  
Amber Ridgeway, Executive Assistant, Midwest Urban Strategies  

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