US Department of Labor Technical Assistance Sessions

US Department of Labor Technical Assistance Sessions
A full conference program will be released before The Forum. Stay tuned for further updates!

These sessions will take place on Wednesday, July 1st. 


Local Boards are charged with driving strategy in local communities, while also responsible for stewardship of public dollars. This session will recap the responsibilities of Boards, Chairs, and fiscal agents to ensure that Boards have all the information necessary to drive strategy and carry out their responsibilities under WIOA. 

Presenters: Winston Tompoe, Acting Regional Administrator, Department of Labor and Training Administration
Becky Hull, Executive Director, Upper Cumberland Local Workforce Board

How One Local Board Engages with Registered Apprenticeship Sponsors 

Registered Apprenticeship is considered an excellent strategy to create self-sufficiency, economic advancement and debt-free career pathways for under-represented communities and individuals with barriers to employment. Over the past several years, engagement between WIOA and registered apprenticeship programs has increased, but it remains a rarely utilized strategy in many areas due to challenges limiting the ability to promote and leverage the apprenticeship strategy. So how do you engage? Hear about a LWDB in Texas that is leading the way in terms of supporting the placement of WIOA participants into registered apprenticeship programs. Hear also from a community-based program sponsor who works hand-in-hand with the workforce board to support hard-to-serve populations in registered apprenticeship programs, including homeless veterans and individuals transitioning from the foster care system.

Presenters:  Nicholas Morgan, President, Adaptive Construction Solutions INC 
Crosby Brito, Employer Service Manager, Gulf Coast Workforce Baord
Maria R. Brady, Multi-State Navigator, Region IV Office of Apprentice

What this means and how to collaborate

WIOA, TANF, SNAP and the wider workforce system all work to advance economic opportunity for American workers. How are we doing? This session will lift up the work that is being done by State teams to address the benefit cliff and how this impacts our customer.

Presenters: Christine Quinn, Regional Administrator, Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration 
Angela Green, Regional Administrator, Administration for Children and Families

Taking a Strategic Approach to Building a Comprehensive Youth Service Delivery System

Effective local boards, youth committees, and practitioner partnerships that develop collaborative strategies for implementing WIOA Youth Program services can have transformative impact on young people's lives and the community at large. These strategic convening bodies can help local communities identify gaps in services, coordinate youth policy, ensure quality services, leverage financial and programmatic resources, and recommend quality youth service providers. Hear local communities discuss how they've moved beyond siloed programming to building a comprehensive system of youth service delivery.

Presenters:  Sara Hastings, Unit Chief, USDOL/ETA Division of Youth Services
Carmen Rodriguez, Workforce Specialist, USDOL/ETA
Krystel Love, Director of Youth Services, MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce
David LeGarde, Regional Youth Programs Coordinator, Workforce Development Inc.
Ellie Giles, CEO, WorkSource Montgomery
Jason Hunter, Director of Operations, MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board


Department of Labor, and Department of Education staff will provide a status update and overview of priority WIOA performance accountability topics.  The session will address joint Negotiations and Sanctions guidance, the shared statewide indicator of Effectiveness in Serving Employers, and Eligible Training Provider (ETP) reporting.  Federal staff will highlight important policy priorities, reporting trends, and upcoming activities.

Presenters: Greg Wilson, Workforce Analyst, USDOL, Employment and Training Administration 
Jay LeMaster, Education Program Supervisor,  Division of Adult Education and Literacy Office of Career U.S. Department of Education 
Christopher Pope, Chief, Data Collection and Analysis Unit

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