Special Sessions

Special Sessions
Monday, June 29
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Policy Super Issue Session 

NAWB’s belief that policy at the federal level must be reflective of the needs of states, regions and localities is key to how we evaluate and talk about policy. This is reinforced by the response to the COVID-19 economic and public health crisis as action was more responsive and more impactful at the state and local level. This two- part issue session will focus on important policy issues to Forum attendees, and suggestions on effective advocacy strategies to help impact public policy. In the first half of this session we will lay-out what we understand the Federal “topics” to be, and topics relevant to our industry. The second part of this session, we are hoping for more discussion amongst the group town hall style. NAWB’s policy team will discuss effective strategies, examples of successful advocacy campaigns and risk vs reward of “opening up” a piece of legislation. Notes from the session will be shared with NAWB and related organizations to use to continue advocacy efforts. 

Speakers: Ron Painter, CEO, National Association of Workforce Boards
Matt Bandstra, Associate Director of Policy, National Association of Workforce Boards

Monday, June 29
5:15 pm – 6:00 pm  

What are the Trends in the Data Telling us about our economy and how can we use this insight to impact Business Engagement

Dun & Bradstreet will review its Overall Business Health Index which is updated each month. We will show you the trends we are seeing in the economy and show the NAWB audience how we can take general analytic insight and bring that down to each business site in the US. We will discuss how this insight can drive smarter, more impactful business engagement which will be critical to our economic and job recovery. On our panel we will have three current D&B clients who will discus how having access to current business data is driving their activities.

Panelists: Chip Rogers, Business Development Executive, Dun & Bradstreet
Michelle DeJohn, Executive Staff Advisor, Kentucky Career Center           
Nakisa Hupman, Project Manager, City of San Jose, Office of Economic Development
Caroline Torossis, Director Economic Development and Business Development, County of Los Angeles

Tuesday, June 30
11:30 pm - 12:45 pm

Strategies for Re-Opening Following Covid-19

As communities across the country begin the task to re-open public spaces and businesses, workforce development boards are faced with learning how to operate and provide services in this “new normal.” Join several workforce board directors as they examine and discuss strategies for operating under new health protocols to create a safe space for staff and jobseekers. Join panelists for an open discussion on the challenges and opportunities they see in service delivery and supporting businesses as they maneuver to meet new workforce demands. 

Moderator: Marlena Sessions, Senior Vice President, Grant Associates 

Speakers: Keith Lawing, ‎President and Chief Executive Officer - ‎Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas, Inc.   
Kirkland Murray, President & CEO, Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation 
Mike Temple, Director, Workforce Solutions - Gulf Coast Workforce Board 

Unemployment and The Future of Work Post COVID-19: Perspectives from Europe and the United States
This session is in partnership with the The Bertelsmann Foundation

COVID-19 has upended labor markets and the world of work on both sides of the Atlantic. In the U.S., policymakers have relied on broad cash payments to stave off mass unemployment and stimulate the economy. In Europe, policymakers have leaned on short-term work, social safety nets, and government-backed guarantees to pay workers’ wages. This session explores short-term European and American responses to unemployment post-COVID-19, and how the pandemic is changing long-term thinking about the future of work.

Moderator: Jeffrey Brown, Head of Technology Policy, Bertelsmann Foundation North America 

Speakers: Scott Sanders, Executive Director, National Association of State Workforce Agencies
Karen Maguire, Head of Division: Local Employment, Skills and Social Innovation, OECD  
Matt Sigeleman, CEO, Burning Glass
Michael Schönstein, Policy Lab of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Germany
Ruth Paserman, Member of the Cabinet of Executive Vice-President for the Economy

One-on-One with Industry

These sessions offer Forum attendees the opportunity to connect with NAWB Industry Partners to learn more about specific labor market needs, available training programs and credentials offered and recognized by industry. This is an excellent time to make real connections with industry leaders and gain a better understanding of how they can support your efforts. Get answers to specific questions and information needs.

Wednesday, July 1
11:30 am - 12:45 pm

Outcomes Financing for Workforce Development During the COVID-19 Recovery: Career Pathways in Construction

Construction trades are among the first jobs to re-open and grow as the Country recovers from COVID-19. While this provides an opportunity for getting un- and under-employed individuals back to work, historically Black and Latinx communities have been excluded from meaningful access to job opportunities in construction. This uneven access, while exacerbated by COVID-19, pre-dates the current public health crisis. To address this, many municipalities around the United States require publicly funded construction projects to fill a percentage of their jobs with local residents. Yet, most developers rarely satisfy the requirement and at worst simply pay a fine. Alongside a group of mission-driven affordable housing developers, Building Skills and the Community Outcomes Fund at Maycomb Capital are working to ensure that individuals living in the community where growth is occurring have access to the quality jobs that development creates. The project builds on the track record of Building Skills New York in connecting underrepresented New Yorkers with jobs in the construction trades. Using outcomes financing—sometimes called Pay for Success—the project supports placement into jobs with pathways for advancement, access to training and upskilling, and comprehensive retention services. This partnership represents a model for expanding access to employment opportunities, while also addressing the need for a pipeline of skilled labor that is anticipated in the construction field. 

Speakers:  Andi Phillips, Managing Partner of the Community Outcomes Fund at Maycomb Capital
Dave Meade, Executive Director of Building Skills New York
Ayanna Oliver-Taylor, Director of Development, L+M Development Partners Inc.

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