Workshops are excellent opportunities to learn from experts and your peers!
Board Performance and Operations
Building a Strategic-Plan Based Board Meeting
Over the past year, the South-Central Workforce Development Board in Kentucky has designed meetings based on the workforce board’s strategic plan. In doing so, the local strategic plan has become an active strategy to move the needle on workforce development goals in our 10-county region, instead of a document that sits on a shelf and collects dust. Building our strategic-plan based board meetings has increased dialogue with board members and instilled a focus on focusing on the “big picture.”
Robert Boone, President/CEO, South Central Workforce Development Board Bowling Green, KY
Future-Focused Workforce Boards
This session will highlight the future-focused behaviors (opportunity-oriented, tech-enabled, data obsessed, and human centered) of innovative workforce boards and AJCs. The discussion will be anchored by information collected through scans of the workforce market and system to call attention to how workforce boards are evolving and adapting with advances in technology and data. The session will include a panel of workforce leaders to discuss how they are adapting to change.
Josh Copus, Director, JFFLabs, Washington DC
Dawn Karber, COO, Spokane Workforce Development Council
Getting More for your Money: Expanding Workforce Board Services Through Pay for Success
Workforce boards across the country can use Pay for Success and other outcomes-based financing models to expand opportunities for job seekers and businesses. Learn about how national leaders—from Philadelphia Works, the San Diego Workforce Partnership, Social Finance, and the Federal Reserve System—have built Pay for Success models focused on employee retention and improved wages to get better outcomes for their communities.
Ashley Putnam, Director, Economic Growth and Mobility Project, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
H. Patrick Clancy, President and CEO, Philadelphia Works Brooke Valle, Strategy Officer, San Diego Workforce Partnership
Rashmi Kare, Director, Social Finance
The 10 Key Compliance and Strategic Considerations that Should Be a Part of Board Governance
The 10 key compliance and strategy considerations that should be a part of board governance. USDOL wants boards to be strategic while the law is all about compliance. Board meetings covering only compliance quickly become a ‘yawn’ with board members dropping like flies. What is the right balance? How much compliance do boards need to oversee? This session will discuss the balance between compliance and the critical analytical perspective boards should be addressing.
Rochelle Daniels, General Counsel, CareerSource Broward, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Project Evaluation - Moving from Measuring Activity to Measuring Impact
How do project activities lead to long-term sustainability and system transformation? The New River/Mount Rogers WDB in Virginia went beyond their DOL-mandated monitoring and metrics to answer this question for their America’s Promise Grant. In this session, the team will start with its motivation to include evaluation in day-to-day project management then share the impacts, key lessons learned, and challenges. They will demo the tools used so you can take them back to your own stakeholders.
Marty Holliday, Executive Director, New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Development Board, Radford, VA
Jenny Bolte, Deputy Director, New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Development Board
Bob Bailey, President, Outcomes Consulting Services, Inc.
Elli Travis, Economic Development Specialist, Virginia Tech, Office of Economic Development
Integrating Technology
Workshop Title: The ABCs of Business Engagement: Economic Growth Through Leveraging Technology & Unique Populations
A central tenet of WIOA is business engagement to ensure industry demand is met with a supply of skilled jobseekers trained through the workforce system. In Los Angeles County, home to 10 million people and 7 workforce development Boards, there are 16 unique departments serving the business community. Learn how the County has taken a centralized approach to business engagement and relationship development through technology to place unique populations experiencing barriers to employment.
Caroline M. Torosis, Esq., Director, Economic and Business Development, County of Los Angeles
Joel Morgan, Director, Goodwill Southern California
Abraham Jankans, CEO, Launchpad
Stephanie Holloway, External Relations Manager, LA County Workforce Development
Online, Automated & Engaging - Summer Youth Employment Programs
Learn how places like Michigan, Washington DC, Tampa, Orlando, and more are revolutionizing their Youth Employment Programs. Utilizing online, mobile friendly content and tools to serve massive amounts of youth. This includes online applications for pre-screening and document uploading, delivering an online orientation via online video and interactive portal, job seeker and employer match making, and on the job digital timesheet submission with electronic signatures.
Harrison Tonne, Chief Innovation Officer, Career TEAM
Using Data to DRIVE System Improvements for Individuals with Disabilities
This session will provide attendees with tools and strategies related to performance reporting requirements under WIOA, with a focus on promoting positive outcomes for people with disabilities. The session will review relevant performance data elements and strategies for Boards to ensure data are collected accurately and appropriately. The session will also provide an overview of the DRIVE website, a key source of national and state-specific data on employment for people with disabilities.
Vinz Koller, Senior Strategist for Capacity Building, Social Policy Research Associates, Oakland, CA
Rebecca S. Salon, Ph.D., Principal Investigator, National Disability Institute
Meeting in the Cloud: Instantly Sharing Resources and Solving Business Needs
Being a trusted adviser to industry in the dynamic world of workforce is not always easy. It is often challenging to be aware of every resource and service available. In this session, we’ll discuss no-cost, cloud-based tools used by the Business Services Network in Central Oklahoma to establish single points of contact for industry to connect with the resources they need while building a robust partner referral network and collecting workforce data to report results.
Goldie Jackson, Business Services & Communications Program Manager, Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board, Oklahoma City, OK
Measuring Impact Far and WIDE* in the Rockies *(Workforce Intelligence Data Experts)
Demonstrating the impact of the public workforce system has never been more important. Colorado revolutionized how labor market information informs program outcomes. The WIDE Group unified analysts creating synergies in data-driven decision making. WIDE created disruptive research focused on measuring the impact and return on investment of workforce activities. This workshop provides background on WIDE’s origins, highlights groundbreaking data projects, and shares actionable strategic practices.
Todd Nielsen, Program Manager, Data & Quality Analytics, Denver Economic Development & Opportunity, Denver, CO
Judith Emery, Director, Colorado Urban Workforce Alliance
Partnership and Engagement
Eastern North Carolina Work Ready Communities Initiative - Closing the Skills Gap
In this session, you will hear from a local WDB and employers who have pioneered the NCWorks Certified WorkReady Communities efforts and embraced the Career Readiness Certificate as a part of their recruitment, screening, hiring practices. The outcomes include over 60,000 CRCs and 700 employer endorsements, an increase in post-secondary educational attainment, better quality applications, reduced training time in closing the skills gap, and improved job retention.
Tammy Childers, Executive Director, Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board, Inc., New Bern, NC
Al Searles, Vice President, Transportation, Smithfield Hog Production
Charles Brogden, Director of Human Services, Franklin Bakery
Melanie Sanders, Human Resources Director, Caswell Development Center
Taking the Mystery out of Cyber Security Apprenticeships
The cybersecurity skills gap puts American workers and businesses in a precarious economic position and threatens our position as an economic leader. Too often individuals, businesses, and cities are being targeted by cyber-thieves. This session showcases how apprenticeships are being used to improve the cybersecurity workforce in the mid-Atlantic, California, US Virgin Islands, and Phoenix. Hear how they are establishing innovative strategies that meet the needs of job seekers and employers.
Mike Lawrence, Senior Workforce Consultant, ICF, Fairfax, VA
Cathleen Barton, Principal Consultant, Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation
LaToya Staten, Chief Strategy Officer, Connected2Tech, LLC
Developing Metrics and Indicators to Advance Collaboration
Many workforce boards have adopted the collective impact model to guide collaborations with local workforce partners. This presentation will describe how to develop metrics supporting three conditions essential to collective impact: shared measurement systems, mutually reinforcing activities, and continuous communication. Attendees will learn how to measure progress against shared goals, leverage resources, and position their Board as a regional backbone for expanding economic opportunities.
Chris Chmura, Chmura Economics & Analytics, Richmond, VA
Mark Vitale, Campus & Academic Director, University of Phoenix
Mark Hayes, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development, Dallas County Community College District
Building Capacity through State Associations
Best practices, lessons learned, and the future vision of state associations presented by a panel representing the diversity of our state associations.
Bob Lanter, Executive Director, California Workforce Association
Lisa M. Bly-Jones, E.D., Vice President of Illinois Workforce Partnership, Board Executive Director for LWA#3 in Illinois
Kimberly Bodine, Immediate Past President (Volunteer), Florida Workforce Development Association
Luann Dunsford, Chief Executive Officer, Michigan Works! Association
Melinda Mack, Executive Director, NY Association of Training & Employment Professionals
Tonja Mettlach, Executive Director, Massachusetts Workforce Association
From Surviving to Thriving: Supporting Transformation, Reentry, and Connections to Employment for Young Adults
This interactive, solutions-focused session will offer practical programmatic solutions that support second chances for young people impacted by the justice system and raise policy and systems considerations to address equity, collateral consequences, and opportunity. This collection of best practices was informed by work from FHI 360’s Compass Rose Collaborative, funded by the Department of Labor, which works to connect youth with education and employment opportunities, with the goal of reducing recidivism. This work is also highlighted in a publication co-authored by FHI 360 and the Center for Law and Social Policy.
Caitlin Dawkins, Program Manager, National Institute for Work and Learning Organization: FHI 360, Washington DC
Lisa Johnson, Director, National Institute for Work and Learning, FHI 360
Industry Collaboratives: A Business-Led, Demand-Driven Approach to Closing the Skills Gap
Today there are urgent needs for vetted, trained workers in most industries. Determining what those needs are can no longer be gauged by assumptions. Engaging strong business-led, demand driven Industry Sector Collaboratives that work closely with workforce, education, economic development, and key CBOs is critical to accomplish this goal. Their role is to mutually discuss and seek solutions to the growing shortage if skilled talent in their specific industry.
Kirkland Murray, President and CEO, Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation, Linthicum, MD
Carl Kushinsky, Healthcare Talent Consultant, Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation, Linthicum, MD
Jaimie M. Francis, Senior Director, Programs and Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Education and Workforce
Ten Ways to Expand Your Brand
Whether times are good or rough. A brand name is one of the most valuable assets a workforce organization possesses. It can lend credibility to programs and provide an assurance of quality, letting consumers know what to expect. Research shows people "buy" from brands they like and trust. In this workshop, learn TEN WAYS to EXPAND YOUR BRAND to improve community awareness and performance outcomes. Join us as we share specific ways other Boards are using innovative methods to make this happen!
Mike Fazio, Founder and CEO, Workforce180, LLC, Guilford, CT
Walter Simmons, Executive Director, Employ PG
Florida and Georgia's Multi-state Alliance Working for Employers and Job Seekers
The Florida-Georgia Workforce Alliance (FGWA) is a collaboration among six local workforce development areas in northern Florida and southern Georgia that are developing a regional sector strategy for the benefit of employers and job seekers. This workshop will demonstrate how the FGWA utilized labor market information and an assessment of the region’s assets to focus training and workforce preparation across the region, launch innovative efforts in business engagement and build economies of scale.
Jim McShane, Chief Executive Officer, CareerSource Capital Region, Tallahassee, FL
Jeff Marcella, Marcella Consulting, Inc.
Kenneth Mall, Managing Director, EDSI
Regional Workforce Report Card: Creating a Data-Driven Dialogue
In its recent data-driven report, the Gulf Coast Workforce Board in Houston, Texas contends that the dramatic effects of technology must be paralleled by advances in our regional workforce development efforts. Learn how the Workforce Board convened stakeholders across a diverse region to identify policy and structural changes needed to build a workforce that is educated, resilient and nimble enough to address the rapid changes expected in the coming years. See
Parker Harvey, Principal Regional Economist, Gulf Coast Workforce Board – Workforce Solutions, Houston, TX
Mark Guthrie, Chair, Gulf Coast Workforce Board
Michelle Castrow, Planning Manager, Gulf Coast Workforce Board – Workforce Solutions
Access, Student Success and Economic Development: HPOG Practices that Work
Pima Community College HPOG developed practices that have increased access to healthcare training and employment for students that may have traditionally had barriers to success in higher education. Join our presenters to learn how to implement proven strategies in outreach, career pathways, coaching and support services. These strategies have been implemented in close collaboration and partnership with AZ@WORK/Pima County One-Stop, business partners, tribal, non-profit and community agencies.
Amanda Aben, Dean of Workforce Development and Continuing Education, Pima Community College
Reina Ravago Contreras, Program Manager, HPOG, Pima Community College
Donna Ruthruff, Workforce Development Specialist, ARIZONA@WORK/Pima County One-Stop, Arizona@Work
Putting Business in Charge of Business-Driven Strategies
Your business has been damaged by hurricanes and your employees are scattered. Partnering with ICF’s Restoring Futures Dislocated Worker Program is the best first step. Beyond simply listening to the employer, learn how the Ritz-Carlton’s leadership embedded Restoring Futures staff with their staff to quickly identify, recruit, and on-board highly motivated employees. Hear how one company leveraged a DOL program to transform their business and their community after a natural disaster.
Adele Soto, Workforce Development Consultant, ICF, St Croix, VI
Verna Brown, Director of Human Resources, Ritz-Carlton, St. Thomas
Ed Trumbull, Vice President, ICF
Blended learning “Virtual Style” for Job Seekers with Barriers to Employment
Are you looking for a solution to increase your participants’ program completion, credentialing, and employment outcomes? Would you like to offer additional career training options without having an instructor on hand? Learn how workforce offices are working with local partners to facilitate a hybrid blended training programs for high demand career opportunities.
Sandy Mead, National Director of Workforce Development, MedCerts, Livonia, MI
Melody Daniel, Program Manager, KRA Corporation
Revolutionize the Relationship with Your State and CLEO
States face local challenges as it pertains to the CLEO's roles and responsibilities. What responsibilities does the state and CLEO have? Missouri hosted its first annual CLEO Summit with NAWB's Ron Painter who led the training session. Missouri is taking a back to basics approach while creating opportunities to innovate and push future work policies forward. Missouri utilized the local annual agreements to require the regions to provide an operation plan and other unique requirements.
Mardy Leathers, Director, Office of Workforce Development, State of Missouri,
Jefferson, MO
Compassion Fatigue
Resilience expert, Emmett Fitzgerald, once said, “Empathy is a finite resource. You can run out. As a normal, psychological response, you cannot give of yourself again and again and again without replenishing.” In this presentation about Compassion Fatigue, we will explore what happens when we continually give of ourselves without replenishing. As workforce professionals, we often work with and assist those who face many barriers to success. As a result, we often express empathy and compassion for those we serve. Unfortunately, through our generous work and caring attitudes, we also expose ourselves to compassion fatigue. This presentation will help workforce professionals identify symptoms of compassion fatigue but will also give attendees tools to combat compassion fatigue. Finally, this presentation will highlight the impact that self-care has on our ability to provide high quality services to those with whom we work.
Presenter: Dr. Andy Huls, ResCare Workforce Services
Serving a Multigenerational Workforce - Special Target Populations
Today there are five generations in the workforce with distinct cultures competing for jobs. Does your local or regional strategic plan address how to serve the multigenerational workforce needs? This breakout session will discuss the varying needs of generations within your region and provide takeaways that workforce boards may include in their strategic plans.
Kristen Barry, Director of Workforce Solutions, Thomas P Miller & Associates
Dawn Drinkard, Senior Consultant, Thomas P. Miller & Associates
Kris Subler, Senior Consultant, Thomas P. Miller & Associates
Work-Based and Career-Focused English Language Learning
Employers, WIBs, and community colleges are all becoming more aware that immigrants and the children of immigrants represent a growing percentage of the future workforce. The labor market is tight, and talent development and training programs must adapt to create effective on-ramps to technical training programs. Employers that are welcoming to New Americans will have a distinct advantage in growing internal and external talent pipelines. Learn how Voxy is helping innovative employers and educational/workforce partnerships leverage technology to upskill their LEP workers through effective, sector-specific English for career pathway programs.
Tadd Wamester, Director, New Americans Initiative at Voxy
Strategies to Maximizing the F.I.T.
Discovering Fit employees internally and externally to maximize strategic goals. This session is designed to take a close look at the employer and potential employees for congruency. I will give strategies to accomplish this task. Content/Topics: ¬ Facilitating Incorporated Thoughts ¬ Finding Individual Talent ¬ Fostering Inspired Transformation Objectives: ¬ Looking at the Thoughts ¬ Evaluating the Talents ¬ Inspiring Transformation
Kenneth W. Antoine, CEO, Kenneth Wade Antoine International
Fiesta De Los Trabajadoes (“Party of the Workers”): Tucson & the Gig Economy
The Gig Economy is coming, & the Pima County Workforce Investment Board is throwing a Fiesta de los Trabajadores in Tucson, AZ to celebrate! In a market without big industry, learn how data-driven innovation - combined with unique community partnerships, career pipelines & creative technology solutions - have all created a vibrant community focused on putting itself to work. Discover how Tucson has become a national leader for aligning youth, incarcerated & veteran populations with careers
Dr. Mark P. Vitale, Vice President and Academic Director Tucson Campus, University of Phoenix
Arnold Palacios, Director, Pima County Community Services, Education & Training | Pima County
Danielle Duarte, Director, Talent Acquisition | Hospitality Solutions, LLC
An Innovative Regional Approach to a Growing Problem for Those that Serve our Country
Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC)created a regional partnership with local workforce boards and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Hiring Our Heroes program to provide career development services to transitioning service members, recently separated veterans, and active-duty spouses. Learn how services were tailored to these unique populations and how the innovative work and learn model resulted in 88% of candidates receiving job offers from their host companies.
Denise R. Bourdeaux, Program Manager, Military Corps Career Connect, Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC), Linthicum, MD
Crystal Cochran, Deputy Director, Military Spouse Fellowship Program, Hiring our Heroes, U S Chamber of Commerce Foundation