Transforming Potential Into Workforce Power
Monday, April 11
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
MSG Supply Chain Logistics Accelerator
Are your employer partners struggling to recruit, retain and upskill supply chain automation specialists, especially in today’s pandemic environment? More than 72,000 jobs in these fields have been created since February 2020, and an additional 770,000 jobs are expected to be created through 2025. If your partners are competing for skilled workers who want to earn while they learn, and are interested in creating, developing or enhancing a DOL-approved Supply Chain Automation Apprenticeship program, join our Supply Chain Automation Apprenticeship Accelerator. Representatives from the Supply Chain Automation Workforce Hub alongside related training providers and employers will give insight into the benefits of registered apprenticeship and share practical tips on how to get engaged.
New to Forum Session
First time attending Forum? Are you a new member of a workforce
development board? Stop by this session before the Welcome Reception to meet fellow attendees, get to know NAWB leadership and find out how to maximize your time at The Forum.
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, April 12
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Breakfast - Time to Network
Strategic Solutions Workshops
Blending Traditional & Virtual Services Post-Pandemic
Mike Fazio, CEO, Workforce180, LLC
Cathy Rychalsky, Workforce Consultant, Metrix Learning
The pandemic has no doubt forced change upon us personally and professionally. This includes workforce leaders and their staff, clients, employers, partners, as well as funding sources. The accelerated pace of providing services in various ways has left many organizations to strongly wonder if they can keep up with the speed of things. We are of the belief everyone can----if they make the right internal assessments and act accordingly. Too many boards we’ve talked to across the country are unfortunately still in a “wait and see” mode. This will bring about incredible failure unless immediate actions are taken. For instance, what if the pandemic goes on for years? Are you prepared to wait it out? Retire? Ignore the warning signs? We’ll provide various ways boards are staying one step ahead, while keeping staff and their clients priorities in order. The hybrid world of virtual and traditional services does exist and can be sustainable for years to come. Join us for this eye-opening session and learn what action your board can begin to take.
The Not-So-Hidden Barrier of Benefit Cliffs
Brittany Birken, PhD, Principal Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Lee Wheeler - Berliner, Managing Director
Colorado Workforce Development Council Office
Brian Bauer, President/CEO
CareerSource Research Coast
Transitioning individuals on public assistance to a sustainable path to self-sufficiency is imperative in ensuring a strong workforce. Through a partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, CareerSource Florida released the Florida CLIFF Dashboard. This tool provides information to help individuals understand their potential earnings through paid employment and maps the timing and magnitude of the loss of public assistance as an individual progresses through in-demand career pathways toward self-sufficiency. The CLIFF Dashboard is currently being piloted as a career coaching and planning tool in workforce development boards in Florida and Colorado to assess utility as a case management and career coaching tool. CareerSource Research Coast will also share a unique partnership with the Early Learning Coalition that helps individuals weather the loss of federal child care subsidies while advancing careers in healthcare.
Strategic Leadership and Transformation
Discussion Leader:
Lori Strumpf, President
Strumpf Associates
Dr. Sharon Johnson, Director, Shenandoah Workforce Development Board
This workshop will describe a strategic approach to restructuring local governance of the workforce system. The current Shenandoah Valley WDB, Inc. structure has a board designed to serve two functions, 1) oversight of WIOA programs, operations, and system-wide governance as the official WDB, and 2) traditional not for profit board functions, including fiduciary responsibilities and resource development. Through a strategic planning process inclusive of board members and community stakeholders, the WDB is redesigning the board of the current 501c3. The current 38+ board of the 501c3 will become the unincorporated board that meets the WIOA regulations. The 501c3 board will become a smaller board focused on resource expansion and development and execution of the policies and strategies set by the SVWDB. The primary reason for the reorganization is to sustain expansion and growth of the workforce system. This workshop will describe the process that led to the restructuring, the engagement of the Local Elected Officials, and the expected outcomes to increase resources and sustainability.
K-12 - Our future Workforce: how workforce boards can impact 'the system'
Discussion Leader:
Traci Marques, Executive Director/CEO
Pikes Peak Workforce Center
Bob Gemignani, Director, Pikes Peak Business & Education Alliance
Learning loss in K-12 is significant as a result of the pandemic. K-12 is also our future workforce and 'the system' must produce a product that businesses want to buy. The Pikes Peak Business & Education Alliance (PPBEA) is a grassroots effort to with a mission of "connecting students' talents, interests & aptitudes to the world of work." With both virtual and in-person access to career exploration, career awareness, summer job opportunities, paid internships and more, you will learn how a staff of three impacts and makes change in 20 urban and rural school systems in Colorado
Innovative apprentice partnerships! Bring workforce resources directly to the small business community
Discussion Leader:
Stephanie Mufic, Business Services Manager
Arapahoe/Douglas Works!
Participants will learn a new approach to partner with Chambers of Commerce. Working together with three local Chambers of Commerce, Arapahoe/Douglas Works! are supporting business service liaison apprentices. Creating a direct link from workforce to the small business community.
Connecting Talent to Careers
Discussion Leader:
John Zappa, Senior Product Manager
The ARM Institute
Byron Clayton, SVP & Chief of Community and Talent Development, CareerSource Tampa Bay
Tom Mudano, President & CEO, AmSkills
The presentation will cover key elements including a rapid re-employment program, access to an e-learning training bundle for upskilling displaced workers into Robotics Technician and other technical jobs, and an online platform for job matching and individual skill tracking for robotic technicians in manufacturing. This work will be focused in the Tampa Bay area, but the key elements, including the online job matching platform, will become national resources.
Housing Stability - A Prerequisite for Workforce Outcomes
Nicole Ganier, Vice President of Operations, Equus Workforce Solutions
Lisa Boyd, Vice President of Operations, Equus Workforce Solutions
When an individual has stable housing, they are then able to confidently pursue workforce opportunities and have greater success in career training and employment. This session will explore community-based solutions that can eliminate housing barriers created by equity gaps. We will discuss proven service models and curate best practices from attendees that have been effective in breaking the cycles of poverty and inequity.
The Sprint for Workers
Grace Heffernan, Senior Manager TPMA
Brittany Dougherty, Senior Consultant TPMA
Workforce Boards are being challenged like never before to ensure that employers have a robust, qualified talent pool and that workers have access to quality employment opportunities. In this interactive session, TPMA will lead participants through a Design Sprint aimed at getting to work on these challenges. A Design Sprint is a proven step-by-step process that TPMA utilizes to empower leaders and stakeholders in validating new ideas + solving critical organizational challenges quickly. This rapid prototyping process is ideal for aligning teams and gaining speed, momentum, and direction for sustainable transformation. In this workshop, attendees will learn how to incorporate a Design Sprint model to tackle common workforce challenges such as customer flow, service delivery, access to services, etc.
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Networking Break
Strategic Solutions Workshops
A New Avenue of Collaboration: Labor-Management Partnerships and the Workforce Boards
Discussion Leader:
Gregory Irish Executive Director
John Chamberlin - Workforce Attorney
Sara Miles - United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Workforce Development Advisor
Anne McMonigle - LA/OC Building & Construction Trades Council, Apprenticeship Readiness
Fund, Executive Director
Tim Rainey - Executive Director, California Workforce Development Board
Adine Forman - Executive Director, Hospitality Training Academy (HTA)
Labor-Management Partnerships (LMPs) are coming of age and changing the workforce ecosystem in cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, and Miami. Recently, the HTA, UNITE HERE Local 11’s LMP, won a $3 million dollar USDOL CAREER Grant with United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) and LA/OC Building & Construction Trades Council - Apprenticeship Readiness Fund (Fund) LMPs. The HTA, UFCW, and Fund have direct and consistent communication with employers who provide input on training curriculums, send job orders, and collaborate on large-scale job fairs. The panel will focus on lessons learned, the LMPs’ partnership efforts with local WDBs (LA City & County WDBs), and outreach efforts to marginalized communities and vulnerable populations such as homeless, justice-involved, veterans, foster youth, etc
Making it Happen! Taking Diversity, Equity and Inclusion from Conversation to Action
Discussion Leader:
Danielle Frazier, President & Chief Executive Officer
Charlotte Works
Rochelle Brown, Regional Director
Equus Workforce Solutions, Regional Director
Building and implementing a diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) strategy can seem overwhelming. Beyond a special initiative or task force, we are positioned to normalize inclusiveness and make it the fiber of day-to-day business. It is imperative that the “workforce system” of today champion these efforts, as employees, participants, employers and partners are looking to engage in a system that has a deep commitment to social responsibility and economic prosperity for all. A successful workforce system must be responsive to social issues, local community needs, emerging technological trends and the diverse workforce landscape. This session will explore best practices in DEIB strategies that Workforce Board leaders, Career Center Operators and community stakeholders can champion together to have greater impact in local communities.
Congratulations! You're A New Workforce Director or Board Chair/Member. Now what?
Discussion Leader:
Krista Tedrow, Executive Director
South Central Iowa Local Workforce Development Board
Miranda Swafford, Executive Director, Mississippi Valley Workforce Development Board
Matthew Nicol, Committee Chair, HON
Your leadership role as a Workforce Director or Board Chair/Member is more critical than it ever has been. The economy and communities across the nation have been knocked to their knees by the recent public health crisis resulting in an enormous shortage of workers for businesses in need of talent. Workforce boards should be meeting these challenges with solutions, but it can be difficult to know where to begin and what to focus on. Join this interactive session designed and presented by current Directors and Board Members to learn about the design and key elements of the workforce ecosystem, board structure, governance, compliance, operations, and more. Whether your budget or area is small, medium, or large, you will receive strategies, tips, tools, and resources you can take with you to overcome some of the challenges and obstacles you may face.
No Wrong Door: Arkansas’ Collective Action Initiative, “ReadyForLife”
Discussion Leader:
Rick Neal, Director, Arkansas Governor's Office for Workforce, Education and Data Transformation
Mary Hayes, CEO, Workbay
The pandemic forced many companies to adjust quickly, and we saw a rise in the number of jobs that transitioned from in-office to remote working environments. And now, some companies are transitioning to hybrid settings, but many have chosen to keep a fully remote workforce. This presentation will explore new research findings on the top remote and hybrid work career paths, as well as the skills and attributes that individuals should focus on developing to be successful in those jobs. By surfacing data to help inform job seekers on in-demand remote and hybrid job opportunities, we can ensure forward-thinking, informed decisions that lead to successful careers!
Remote and Hybrid Jobs: Top Career Paths and Skills Needed for Success in the Future of Work
Discussion Leader:
Dan Hawthorne, Director of I/O Psychology
The pandemic forced many companies to adjust quickly, and we saw a rise in the number of jobs that transitioned from in-office to remote working environments. And now, some companies are transitioning to hybrid settings, but many have chosen to keep a fully remote workforce. This presentation will explore new research findings on the top remote and hybrid work career paths, as well as the skills and attributes that individuals should focus on developing to be successful in those jobs. By surfacing data to help inform job seekers on in-demand remote and hybrid job opportunities, we can ensure forward-thinking, informed decisions that lead to successful careers!
10 Low-Cost Ways to Up Your Workforce Game
Discussion Leader:
Dawn Karber, COO, Spokane Workforce Council
Join us for an interactive session highlighting 10 no- to low-cost ways to up your workforce game within your AJC. Presenters will provide handouts as well as access to a website that includes resources discussed, which will range from technology, goal setting with job seekers, virtual engagement strategies, professional development and more. All have been tried at one or more AJCs and have demonstrated success.
Making the Most of Social Media Engagement
Vanessa Presto, Senior Vice President, Grant Associates
Bianca Cervantes, Communications Director, Workforce Solutions Borderplex
David Olson, Director, Marketing and Communications, Workforce Solutions Capital Area
Infiniti Scarboro, Program Coordinator, Grant Associates
Are workforce boards and programs actually seeing positive results from using social media? How are other boards using social media to drive community engagement? Join us for tips and tools that are being used across the country to engage new audiences and execute services. Hear how Workforce Solutions Borderplex in El Paso, TX and Workforce Solutions Capital Area in Austin, Texas have implemented effective social media campaigns on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to engage their region with workforce system resources. Plus, hear how a CTE youth initiative uses Instagram to attract its youth participants and includes them in content creation.
Building Coalitions to Create Inclusive Workplaces for Speakers of Other Languages
Jane Oates (moderator); former U.S. Assistant Secretary for the Employment and Training Administration & President, WorkingNation
Katie Brown, PhD, Chief Education Officer and Founder EnGen
Yscaira Jimenez, Chief Innovation Officer, Opportunity@Work
Employee recruitment and retention is perhaps the greatest challenge facing employers today--with more open roles than job-seekers to fill them, many organizations are rethinking how they source and cultivate talent, often turning to workplace-based upskilling and reskilling programs and workforce boards to source new talent. However, immigrants, refugees, and speakers of other languages are often left out of these programs simply because they do not have the English skills they need to participate. The pandemic has exacerbated historic disparities between immigrants and native-born Americans when it comes to earnings and access to career opportunities. And with
nearly 2 million college-educated immigrants and refugees reporting unemployment or underemployment, this oft-overlooked talent pool of New Americans could help employers address complex labor market challenges. This session will surface expert perspectives and best practices on building a more inclusive workforce with this segment of the population in mind. Moderated by former Department of Labor official Jane Oates, this session will provide an overview of how workforce boards and employers can create an English upskilling program and solutions to make your programs successful.
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
2:15 PM - 3:30 PM
General Session, Award Presentation and Lunch
Jennifer Harris, NAWB Chair and Ron Painter, CEO
Focus: Age of the Worker! What is driving policy and workforce
It has been a once-in-a-lifetime last few years. We've seen an unprecedented unemployment situation and, in many ways, an unprecedented labor market recovery. Are we entering a new age of the Worker? What is driving skill policy and workforce development? Our panel will offer their insight on rethinking our workforce system as we face economic recovery from a global pandemic, a restructured labor market, accelerated technological change, and a focus on diversity and equity. Decisions made by all parts of the workforce system (industry, workforce boards, philanthropy, education, and state and federal policymakers) will impact workforce development outcomes and subsequent policy. Can we sustain growth and how can it be done for a more inclusive and equitable economy for working people and the small and mid-size businesses that hire them.
Panel Discussion
Dr. Angela Farooq, Chairman of the California Workforce Development Board
Sergio Galeano, Senior Advisor, Third Way
Steve Partridge, Vice President of Workforce and Economic Development, Northern Virginia Community College
Fireside Chat
Ron Painter, President and CEO, NAWB
Amy Goldfinger, SVP, Global Talent Acquisition, Walmart
W.O. Lawton Award Presentation - Grant Quezada
Strategic Solutions Workshops
Workforce Policy Update – Implications for WDBs
Discussion Leader:
Kyle Marinelli, Manager of Government Relations & Policy, National Association of Workforce Boards
Ron Painter, President & CEO, National Association of Workforce Boards
Steve Voytek, Policy Advisor, Foresight Law + Policy
Congressional legislation, Administration priorities and the broad national policy dialogue all have the potential to affect your work at the local level. In this session, participants will discuss the most important policy actions currently impacting CTE, including the latest on the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic, federal funding, and other key secondary and postsecondary policy issues.
Planning and Implementing a COVID-19 Recovery Occupations Strategy
Discussion Leader:
Patricia Blumenauer, Vice President, Operations & Data Philadelphia Works
The Workforce Development Board of Philadelphia
Philadelphia Works will present its data-driven Recovery Occupations strategy and provide guidance on how to reproduce and implement this COVID-considerate approach locally. The strategy prioritizes investment in training and employer engagement for occupations that are experiencing demand now; pay livable wages; require only short-to-moderate term training and education; and are middle-skill or low-skill entry points to careers with opportunity for advancement. Learn how to coordinate planning and execution of your region’s own Recovery strategy and coordinate cross-functional implementation across teams, providers, and partners. Emphasis will be placed on building a high-quality customer flow, from Recovery Occupation career exploration at American Job Centers to training enrollment and/or job placement via Job Matchers, on-the-job training (OJT) and other business services contracts.
Improv: An Innovative Approach to Navigating DEI
Discussion Leader:
Sally Payne, Director
City of Springfield, Department of Workforce Development
Murphy McHugh, Founder, Dojo Comedy
Haley Jones-Sides, Executive Secretary, City of Springfield, Department of Workforce Development
To develop and support impactful DEI strategies, the strategies must be approached with understanding and intentionality. Join the City of Springfield, Department of Workforce Development and Improv Comedian, Murphy McHugh, to see first-hand the benefits of incorporating improv in these strategies. Improv requires the same collaboration workplaces thrive upon and can offer an interactive way to discuss the sometimes-difficult topic of DEI. Experience how improv scenes can provide the opportunity to practice necessary skills outside of our normal comfort zone. Learn how Springfield utilized improv comedy techniques to break down barriers to have impactful DEI conversations as well as how sessions were developed to improve the economic status of TANF and WIOA participants, increase participant engagement, and build staff morale.
Two Recovery Challenges for Workforce Boards: Labor Market Needs & the Drug Addiction Epidemic
Discussion Leader:
Bruce England, Executive Director
Susquehanna Workforce Network
Don Mathis, Susquehanna Workforce Board, Member & Committee Chair, Certified Peer Recovery Specialist
Hannah Betesh, Abt Associates, Senior Associate
Two leaders from the Susquehanna Workforce Board (Harford & Cecil counties, Maryland) will discuss its previous year's lessons & achievements with Project FORWARD - Fostering Opioid Recovery: Workforce And Resource Development. FORWARD recruits, provides & leverages training and career opportunities for people in recovery from substance use disorders (SUDs) and/or whose lives have been immediately impacted by addiction, e.g. raised in a family by addicted parents. Maryland is one of 4 states funded by this federal DOL initiative. A representative from Abt Associates which is doing the evaluation for DOL will be on our panel. Attendees will learn which strategies are most effective in engaging this population into the labor market.
Engaging High School Students through the Authentic STEM Program
Discussion Leader:
Sylvie Nelson, Executive Director
North Country Workforce Development Board
Sherry Snow, Student Services Coordinator
Champlain Valley Education Center
Natalie Branosky, Executive Advisor, International Workforce Development and Global Director, Thought Leadership+Policy, APM
Dr. Ingo Witzke, Chair of the Department of Mathematics Education, University of Siegen, Germany
Dr. Gero Soffels, Associate Professor in Mathematics and Physics Education, University of Siegen, Germany
Kristopher Renadette, Manufacturing Quality Engineer, Schluter-Systems L.P
Learn how a NYS' North Country partnership with Germany's University of Seigen's engages US and German HS students in STEM through collaboration with local manufacturers.
Connecting the Hospitality Industry with Workforce Development Systems
Discussion Leader:
David Faro, Sr Manager of Workforce and Business Development, National Restaurant Association
Deborah Howell, Chief Operating Officer, Workforce Central
Sandra Miller, Executive Director, Washington Workforce Association
William Westmoreland, Chief Operating Officer, Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council
This session will address the challenges and successes that have been encountered in the Pacific Northwest while building hospitality sector focused workforce development strategies. Economic development clusters that support and empower the industry, also seek to give voice to traditionally underserved populations. Who are the players in regional economic development that provide the foundations of a thriving hospitality sector workforce? What do sustainable sector partnerships look like? How do rural regions that depend on a strong hospitality service sector create policies that sustain operations? These are just some of the questions that will be discussed in this presentation along with some of the innovative solutions being explored in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
State Responses to Service Provision for Youth with Disabilities during COVID-19
Discussion Leaders:
Sydney Blodgett, Senior Project Manager,
Abeer Sikder, Policy Analyst, CAPE-Youth
Youth and young adults with disabilities face a steeper road to employment and reemployment because of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recession. While youth with disabilities are not inherently at higher risk for contracting COVID-19, youth with disabilities may be disproportionately affected by the disruption of services, including receiving appropriate special education, related services, and accommodations, among other programs and services. This presentation will review a nationwide, state-by-state scan to identify which programs and policies are intended to support youth and young adults with disabilities in their transition from high school to employment, training, or post-secondary education during COVID-19. Topics that will be discussed from the national scan include Assistive Technology, Distance Learning, Family Engagement, Individualized Education Programs, Mental Health, Telehealth, and Transition Services.
From Competitors to Collaborators: Developing & Expanding a Community of Practice to Address Workforce Needs in Boston’s Healthcare Sector
Discussion Leader:
Ashley Hazleton McClafferty, Workforce Development Assistant Director
MassHire Boston Workforce Board
Angela McCabe, Workforce Development Director
MassHire Boston Workforce Board
The healthcare and social assistance industry accounts for over 18% of total employment in Boston; with hospitals representing five of our top ten employers. The Boston Healthcare Careers Consortium was founded in 2010 to convene healthcare employers, educational institutions, and the workforce system to identify workforce gaps and align training that is efficient and effective to ensure a prepared workforce for the sector. The Consortium continues to serve as a forum in which organizations analyze labor market needs, share and develop best practices, and collaborate on grants and projects to enhance their collective impact. Join us as we explore how to effectively convene stakeholders in order to leverage resources and address workforce needs in priority industries.
Virtual Service Delivery - Best Practices
How Local Boards are using technology to make a difference
Geosol, Inc.
In this session discover how local workforce boards are using creative, online solutions that allow staff, job seekers, and employers to connect virtually and maintain high levels of service delivery and security through the pandemic and into the stages of recovery. You will hear firsthand from American Job Centers about the real challenges they faced – and the creative solutions that allowed them to circumnavigate those challenges. This Best Practices session will explore the non-traditional tools to facilitate the remote and secure handling of case management, job seeker and employer outreach, help desk assistance, remote signatures and document uploads, job market analysis, up-skilling and re-skilling platforms, virtual hiring events, and mock interview resources.
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Networking Break
Issue Sessions
Integrating Work-Based Learning into Client Training
Discussion Leader:
Spencer Murray, Buffalo & Erie County Workforce Investment Board
Jason Scales, Lincoln Electric
Sean Murphy, Walmart
Lisa Schumacher, Director, Education Strategies, McDonald's Corp.
Earn and learn experiences provide an effective pathway for individuals to become proficient and move along a career pathway while being paid. At the same time, employers can provide training to individuals within their culture, on their equipment, using company-focused processes. This session explores successful work-based learning strategies and how workforce boards can integrate them into their training plans.
Reimagining Partnerships to Meet Goals
Discussion Leader:
Shelby Kohn, Director, The Community Outreach Fund, Macomb Capital
To effectively serve clients it is critical that workforce boards build strong partnerships that contribute to the success of the board. It is important that these relationships contribute to the effectiveness of the programs which contribute to the goals of the board, and accountability measures. This includes the development of foundations and transitions to a non-profit board to enable the building of new partnerships and funding sources. This session will focus on creating strategies that increase the development of partnerships within and outside of the community.
Career Support For Refugees
Join us to better understand why it's difficult for refugee and immigrant professionals with English proficiency and in-demand skills to find work in the U.S., learn about the free career resources available to job seekers, and how workforce development boards can help refugees in their community.
Wednesday, April 13
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
DOL Technical Assistance Sessions
Diverse Talent Pipelines through Pre-Apprenticeship and Registered Apprenticeship
This session will feature tools, evidence-based strategies, and examples to build a diverse and equitable talent pipeline using pre-apprenticeship and Registered Apprenticeship. Hear from promising pre-apprenticeship programs on how they have operationalized and built pipelines to Registered Apprenticeship, while also learning about tools to connect people with quality apprenticeship jobs and employers to quality talent, and promising practices from recent DOL-funded evaluations that support using pre-apprenticeship as a key strategy in expanding diversity of Registered Apprenticeship.
WIOA by the Numbers: Leveraging Performance Data for Continuous Improvement and Equitable Service Delivery
Join ETA performance staff for a discussion of the latest WIOA performance data and trends, and a walk through of new public-facing interactive data tools. How well are you serving individuals with barriers to employment and those receiving public assistance? How might you use demographic data to determine gaps in services? This workshop will feature both national WIOA data experts and local workforce boards who are using data-driven insights to inform their services and their education and training investments.
Building Job Quality in the Workforce Development System
Job Quality means workers are paid fair wages and benefits; those workers have a voice in their work environment and workplace conditions without fear of retribution; and those entry-level jobs can be a path to promotion and advancement as your skills grow. Workforce Development Boards play a major role in jobseekers’ success in moving into jobs with family-supporting wages that become great career opportunities. This session is an opportunity to learn about strategies some local boards made in their industry focus, labor-management partnerships, training providers, career counseling, case management, and more to result in more jobseekers getting good jobs. The session will spotlight local boards leading this work and will include tips for any workforce board around the country.
WIOA by the Numbers: Leveraging Performance Data for Continuous Improvement and Equitable Service Delivery
Join ETA performance staff for a discussion of the latest WIOA performance data and trends, and a walk through of new public-facing interactive data tools. How well are you serving individuals with barriers to employment and those receiving public assistance? How might you use demographic data to determine gaps in services? This workshop will feature both national WIOA data experts and local workforce boards who are using data-driven insights to inform their services and their education and training investments.
Transitioning to and Enhancing Virtual Service Delivery
In the last two years, many local areas pivoted service-delivery away from traditional in-person, brick and mortal operations to a combination of remote and virtual services that leveraged a wide range of online tools and communication technologies. In some instances, this transition was relatively easy and based on resources and policy changes that were already in development prior to the national pandemic response. In contrast, the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) program was previously limited to in-person services and faced the significant challenge of having to quickly and radically transform services and processes to meet new demands. This session will take a closer, research-based look at RESEA implementation and adaptation during the pandemic, with insights that can apply to WIOA and any AJC program.
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Networking Break
DOL Technical Assistance Sessions
Delivering Quality Services to Refugees and Immigrant Populations
How can AJCs connect with federal and state resources to effectively support refugee and immigrant populations in their community? Snohomish County, WA is doing significant work in this area, and will share information about their trauma-informed care approach to providing WIOA Title I services in a panel discussion. The panel will highlight the importance of Federal-state-local relationships in preparing for and delivering services to immigrant populations including English language learners. The session will also discuss how local areas in Washington participated in a statewide Afghani Arrivals Workgroup.
Identifying and Addressing Mental Health Issues for Youth in Workforce Development Programming
The U.S. Surgeon General recently released an alarming report on youth and mental health. Young people disconnected from school and work, systems-involved youth, and youth experiencing homelessness live with trauma and have been over-represented in mental health needs but underserved in mental health treatment. The pandemic has intensified the need for mental health services while also adversely impacting the delivery of quality mental health services. We know there is a crisis, and we need to do better. In this session, local systems can learn about important resources, strategies, and partnerships to address the mental health pandemic impacting the youth we serve.
Applying Evidence, Resources, Tools, and Evaluations to Local Practices
Every local board wants to spend its resources on interventions that work for its customers. This session will recap what evidence says about workforce services that work, how to apply that evidence to the services in you’re American Job Center, and easy ways to stay on top of the latest evidence.
Workshop Development Engagement in Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Training
Workers are re-evaluating what they want out of their professional life, and what new self-employment opportunities are taking shape. The public workforce development system is in a key position to support entrepreneurial training services and business incentives to the job changers in their community. There is a need to explore the types of training the workforce system might offer to help individuals transition into new self-employment opportunities in the local communities. This session is an opportunity for workforce development leaders to learn about strategies to enhance entrepreneurship training support, as well as practical tips about how WIOA resources can be used to support these initiatives.
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Issue Sessions
Navigating the Supply Chain Disruption in 2022
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, many people took the supply chain for granted. Many news outlets did not even have a newsbeat covering this topic as they do today. Today, manufacturers, warehouses, transportation providers, distribution centers, and retailers are all topics of mainstream media with respect to the supply chain disruption, and what must be done to resolve this national emergency. Join us for a conversation with industry leaders as we discuss the complexities of the current situation and how best to address it. This will be a moderated discussion with Q&A to follow.
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Networking Break
General Session, Award Presentation and Lunch
Moving and building a strong economy requires collaboration and innovation. Hear from State and Federal leaders on strategies to work together across key government agencies to facilitate and build an expanding economy that strengthens individual, business and community economic growth. At the heart of these efforts is an expanding focus on diversity in the workplace. How to connect policy to diversity to economic growth? The dialogues during this unique session highlight the steps being taken to address the issues and challenges.
Discussion Leader:
Dr. David E. Altig, Executive Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Albert Bryan Jr., Governor of the United States of Virgin Island
Trailblazer Award - Prince George’s County Workforce Development Board
Dessert and Networking
Strategic Solutions Workshops
Workforce Blueprint: Identifying current and future workforce needs through data-driven regional collaboration
Discussion Leader:
Irene Bustamante-Adams, Deputy Director and Chief Strategy Officer, Workforce Connections
Before the pandemic, competition for highly skilled workers in Southern Nevada was increasing rapidly. Workforce leaders knew identifying workforce needs to align education and training would be foundational to economic development success. Now the stakes are even higher. Learn how partnerships between Southern Nevada’s local workforce development board, the regional development authority, and the state’s largest chamber of commerce created a strategically aligned, data-driven, regional tool called Workforce Blueprint 2.0 in 2019. An updated blueprint will be released in 2022, and additional chambers of commerce joined the effort. The Workforce Blueprint identifies in-demand occupations and the capacity to meet workforce needs of target industries, including gaps or surpluses in training or education, accompanied by a report card to monitor progress.
Engaging with Local Elected Officials 101
Discussion Leader:
Portia Hurtt, Policy and Compliance, Employ Prince George’s
A primer on the importance and some easy tactics to implement to engage local elected officials at the city, county, and state level to educate on workforce development, explain the critical role of local workforce boards, and ultimately convert them into workforce champions during the legislative process. Why and how was practice developed and what has been the impact? Include who was involved, key challenges and what a made difference for success.
My role did not exist before my organization was created, so unless a legislator had another reason to understand workforce- working with community colleges, for example- they often did not. That was reflected in attention and funding. We have really been able to make our presence known in a short time in Maryland.
Workforce Realigned: How New Partnerships Are Advancing Economic Mobility
Discussion Leader:
Sandra Salstrom, Vice President, Government Relations, Social Finance
Tyrone Hampton Jr., Manager of the Workforce Systems Initiative, Philadelphia Works
Saah Miller, Senior Advisor for Community and Economic Development, Atlanta Federal Reserve Center for Workforce and Economic Opportunity
Declining economic mobility is one of the defining challenges of our time. We’re seeing a promising response across the country: innovative, accountable workforce partnerships that are delivering results for U.S. workers and businesses. In this session, a panel of speakers from Workforce Realigned: How New Partnerships Are Advancing Economic Mobility—a new book by Social Finance and the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and Philadelphia—will discuss partnerships that rethink the way we finance worker upskilling. Thirty authors contributed to this book, including Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, and Governor Charlie Baker. Participants will gain insight into how workforce leaders can partner across sectors to rebalance risk, realign financial incentives, and jumpstart economic mobility.
The Art of Innovation: How to Create High Impact and Position Your Organization to Draw New Resources
Discussion Leader:
Julie Sanon, COO, Agape Child & Family Services
Get a picture of the actions Agape Child & Family Services implemented to triple its education and employment impacts in some of Memphis’ most economically impoverished neighborhoods. The methodology Agape employs to optimize its growing network of powerful partnerships will be presented in grab-and-go format. You can grab their infographics during the session then go structure your operations for continual innovation. Leave with an understanding of how Agape’s operational innovations are earning new revenue and additional resources and why its workforce development strategy is reducing poverty rates in the neighborhoods it serves. The strategies Agape uses to bridge gaps between a person’s desire to work and the support services needed to secure a high wage job-- it's all sketched out.
Successful Strategies for Coordinating High School Internships
Discussion Leader:
Denver Supinger, State Policy Advocate
American Student Assistance
Nina Pande, Executive Director, Skills for Rhode Island's Future
Luke Rhine, Director, Career & Technical Education and STEM Initiatives, Delaware Department of Education
High school internships help students gain valuable experience, develop lifelong skills, and build social capital. Yet research shows that most high schoolers do not complete an internship before graduation. Often youth internship programs fail to get off the ground because general coordination proves to be overly burdensome, from soliciting employer participation to scheduling problems, transportation woes, liability/insurance issues and more. Panelists in this session will offer real-life examples of successful strategies they have used to facilitate high school internships on the ground. They will share their perspectives on some of the biggest barriers these programs face and suggest solutions that can be used by policymakers, educators, program coordinators, employers and other stakeholders to improve youth internship access, quality and outcomes.
Developing Data-Driven and Flexible Workforce Strategies for the Future Workforce Needs
Discussion Leader:
Martie Telepo ManpowerGroup, Public Sector Business Development Director
Raleen Gagnon, Manpower Group, VP-Global Market Intelligence.
A key to Workforce Development is leveraging data analytics to make data-driven decisions. This session will introduce tools to help Boards identify what talent is needed, where it’s needed, and skills to focus on developing – now and into the future. Imagine taking Market Insights to the next level of matching the skills of the jobseeker to emerging jobs, increasing job seeker career opportunities, and improving employer attraction. Join ManpowerGroup in an interactive Market Study for YOUR location. Attendees participate to view market insights on their location, industries, and trends. As a global leader in talent attraction ManpowerGroup has provided solutions that bridge the gaps between the Census data, COVID impact, and local economic or competitive dynamics.
State of Tech and Three Thriving Trends: Workforce System 2022
Discussion Leader:
Josh Copus, Director, JFF
Ben Sommer, Senior Manager, JFF
Alex Swartsel, Deputy Director, Acceleration at JFFLabs
As technology continues to break down barriers in terms of what’s possible in the work and learn environment, workforce systems across the country are eager to adopt tools that grant their customers access to exciting, new training and employment opportunities. This session will explore some of the latest cutting-edge tech making waves across workforce and education including innovations in career navigation platforms, virtual and augmented reality job training, and digital credential wallets that are helping learners store and manage their learning throughout their lifetime. Join JFF as we highlight some of these products and the ways that we’re making technologies available to workforce boards and their partners through exciting new pilot initiatives as part of the JFF Workforce Transformation Strategy.
Transforming Today's Workforce Training Programs into Tomorrow's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Talent Solutions
Mr. Joseph Seymour, KRA Manager of Operational Excellence
Dr. Kordilia Noble, KRA Director of Partnerships & Market Development
Dr. Brian Johnson, KRA Consultant
Dr. Jon Mott, CEO Aspire Ability
Many employers struggle to recruit and retain the diverse talent they need. Many workforce training programs struggle to achieve positive employment outcomes for their participants, especially populations that have been historically marginalized by traditional approaches. KRA Corporation is a national leader in Workforce Development with 40+ years of providing services and solutions in communities across the country. Aspire Ability’s expertise is empowering employers to recruit and develop qualified talent and enabling training programs to better prepare participants for gainful employment. Come connect with these two organizations as they discuss their shared commitment to diversity and provide best practices, including deploying a workplace competency approach and fostering cultural sensitivity, which will impact and inform your DEI initiatives and programs.
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Issue Sessions
Gaining Insight into Industry Needs and Expectations
Discussion Leader:
Jane Oates, Working Nation
Jennifer Kincaid, Director, Customer Success and Strategic Relationships, CompTIA
Janice Fidalgo, Project Manager, Grow with Google
Jason Straczewski, VP, Government Relations and Political Affairs, National Retail Federation
A panel of industry representatives will outline how employer workforce needs are changing and what they expect from workforce boards. The session will provide concrete strategies and actions workforce boards can take to build partnerships with employers.
Maximizing the Value of Industry Credentials/Certifications
Amanda Winters, NGA
Wesley Smith, Senior Vice President, Policy and Public Affairs, Western Governors University
Jeannine Kunz, Vice President, Tooling U-SME
Kermit Kalaba, Strategy Director for Employer Aligned Credential Programs, Lumina Foundation
Roger Tadajewzski, Executive Director, NC3
The ever-shifting work and learning landscape has made selecting an education and training program a more high-stakes choice for students and workers than ever before. With hundreds of thousands of credentials available in the U.S. alone, and minimal data available about the majority of them, the credential marketplace is confusing and chaotic. While many initiatives are working hard to bring order and understanding to this key piece of the nation’s economy, coordination among efforts has been challenging to track. This session provides an overview of the credentials landscape, how industry is utilizing credentials for hiring decisions and how to match credentials to training and placement.
Navigating the Supply Chain Disruption in 2022
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, many people took the supply chain for granted. Many news outlets did not even have a newsbeat covering this topic as they do today. Today, manufacturers, warehouses, transportation providers, distribution centers, and retailers are all topics of mainstream media with respect to the supply chain disruption, and what must be done to resolve this national emergency. Join us for a conversation with industry leaders as we discuss the complexities of the current situation and how best to address it. This will be a moderated discussion with Q&A to follow.
IT Apprenticeships - Expanding to Cloud
Discussion Leader:
Tan Moorthy, Executive Vice President, Head - US Delivery Operations and Global Head Education, Training & Assessments, Infosys
Jorge Marquez, Senior Vice President Program Leader, Apprenticeship and Workforce Innovation, Robert Half
Eric Robertson, Digital Skills Lead, Americas, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, many people took the supply chain for granted. Many news outlets did not even have a newsbeat covering this topic as they do today. Today, manufacturers, warehouses, transportation providers, distribution centers, and retailers are all topics of mainstream media with respect to the supply chain disruption, and what must be done to resolve this national emergency. Join us for a conversation with industry leaders as we discuss the complexities of the current situation and how best to address it. This will be a moderated discussion with Q&A to follow.Hear from industry leaders that are building and using IT apprenticeships and upskilling/reskilling programs as standard hiring mechanism for entry-level IT talent acquisition within their companies or their customer networks. What’s working, what problems are they facing and how can workforce boards and industry better align to expand and accelerate the effort to train more people in the fast-growing world of cloud computing.
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
How to Apply for DOL Grants
Local boards and programs use competitive funding along with WIOA formula funding to put together services for local communities. This workshop will not be specific to any Funding Opportunity Announcement but will prepare you to compete for any ETA grant. Hear guidance on completing application forms, writing acceptable budget narratives, responding to criteria, and demonstrating partnerships. Be ready for the next grant opportunity!
Panelists: Laura Watson and ETA Grants Office staff
Small group networking sessions
Chairs Session (invite only)
Discussion Leader:
Jane Oates
Discussion Leader:
Moore Agency
Business Alliance Convening
Supply Chain Logistics Apprenticeship Convening
Grantee Meetings
Thursday, April 14
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Regional Convenings and Breakfast
Including DOL Regional Administration)
Issue Sessions
Workforce in a New Era-Reimagining the Possible
Chris Guidry, Vice President, Mission Advancement & Philanthropy, Strada
Jake Hirsh-Allen, LinkedIn
Chris Laney, Senior Workforce Strategist, EMSI Burning Glass
As society is constantly evolving, influenced by expected and unexpected factors, so should the workforce system. In response to constant change, workforce boards need to be proactive in their response, rather than reactive. The best thing is to have these conversations early. In this interactive session issues will be identified-including those that MAY be in our future-and participants will brainstorm solutions to imagine success in a future environment. Building on future of work concepts, the session will identify how workforce boards can be better prepared to meet challenges.
Building an Entrepreneurial WDB
Discussion Leader:
Marlena Sessions, NOVAWorks
Nick Schultz, Executive Director, Pacific Gateway
Walter Simmons, President and CEO, Prince George’s County WDB
Sharon Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, Shenandoah Valley Workforce Development Board, Inc.
Whether it is due to evolving technology, demographics, refocusing by industry or pandemics, change is a constant that directly impacts how workforce boards carry the work to foster prosperity for individuals, communities and businesses. To continue being the economic tool for your community, workforce boards need to employ and retain an entrepreneurial system and mindset. WDBs need to move beyond the foundation of workforce legislation and policy and think differently about partnerships, training models, wrap around support services and federal, state and private funding streams. This session addresses strategies to transform the workforce board system and operations to become an entrepreneurial organization.
The Outlook for Outcomes, and our Opportunity Now
Discussion Leader:
Josh Copus, Director, JFF
Nilda Blanco, Sr. Director Business Intelligence, CareerSource Central Florida
Tameshia Bridges Mansfield, VP, Workforce Innovation, JFF
Kelly Folks, Director of Employment and Training, Colorado Department of Labor and Education
Marie Kurose, CEO, Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County
Workforce boards across the country are adopting sophisticated tools that support the collection and analysis of more robust and reliable datasets that go far beyond the common measures. Greater insight into how participant and program characteristics translate to outcomes can improve decision-making capabilities and help workforce systems demonstrate their impact and influence within their communities.
Outcomes for Opportunity (O4O) began in 2020 as a pilot initiative focused on identifying critical data metrics necessary for decision-making and the creation of easy-to-use data tools that show workforce boards and training providers how to create compelling data stories. Two years later, JFF has launched the O4O beta site with the help of seven data-driven workforce boards committed to using data more effectively to promote and improve their programs, services, and regional advantages. This session will provide attendees with a brief demo of the O4O beta site followed up with a thoughtful discussion that examines current innovations, challenges, and opportunities for data analytics within the public workforce system.
Dynamic Advocacy in an Evolving Landscape
Discussion Leader:
Steve Voytek, Foresight Law + Policy
The COVID-19 Pandemic caused major disruptions in labor markets compelling workers, businesses, thought leaders, and lawmakers to reevaluate the concept of work in America. With fresh attention on workforce development the opportunity to advance innovative concepts is prime. This session will explore the wide array of tools, talking points, and strategies to effectively advocate for workforce development in both online and in-person mediums.
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Strategic Solution Workshops
CareerVerse, an Innovative Tool to Inspire Your Next Generation of Talent
Discussion Leader:
Cass Hensley IDEAS, Interactive Producer
Shernita Taylor, Assistant Executive Director, Southwest Alabama Workforce Development Council (SAWDC)
Mark Edson, IDEAS, Director, Business Development
IDEAS is a brand and experience design firm that has effectively delivered award-winning state workforce system brands and solutions in Florida, Alabama, Virginia, and Massachusetts. We understand the struggles of local boards to deliver a talent pipeline that aligns with local industry needs. To that end, we have designed and launched an innovative online experience that ignites passion in secondary students to pursue careers aligned with local needs. Launched within Alabama’s SAWDC partnering school districts, the game replaced their “Worlds of Opportunity” eighth-grader field trips and engaged more than 13,000 students in a recent two-week trial. We will demonstrate the tool and show how students can be creatively engaged in new ways to provide a sustainable talent solution.
Paving the Pathway to Success: A collective approach to guide students with disabilities through Pre-Employment Training, Business Mentorship, and Real-World Work Experience
Discussion Leader:
Cheryl Guido, Texas Workforce Solutions- Vocational Rehabilitation Services, VR Manager
NAWB participants will gain a roadmap to Paving the Pathway to Success, a proven strategy to effectively engage and expose students with disabilities with the necessary skills and access of finding a pathway to a lucrative future and career. The Gulf Coast Workforce Board, in a collective approach with Vocational Rehabilitation, community employers, and job trainers have created a cost effective, replicable, and unique 7-month experience for students between the ages of 16-22years old. Participants will hear data that supports the completion rate from students, success stories from alumni, and employer testimonies. Participants will gain employer training tools and how employers utilize the Paving the Pathway to Success program to create/maintain an inclusive work environment.
Improving employability skills through entrepreneurship: Helping displaced participants return to the workforce
Discussion Leader:
Ferdi Serim, CIO, Startup Generation LLC
Beth Elias, Executive Director, New Mexico Eastern Area Workforce Development Board
Project-based and deliverables-based learning methods in the pilot program resulted in successful outcomes for New Mexico participants. Entrepreneurial skills are workplace skills: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity/innovation, and project management. Beyond their value in launching startups, employers seek the same skills in new hires. Startup Generation’s curriculum enables adult learners to attain these skills as they create and pitch their new business ideas as teams, guided by trained facilitators. Data gathered and analyzed during the past year show substantial increases in learning skills based on self-reflections from more than 52 learners who enrolled in two program cohorts (Spring and Fall), and 28 who successfully completed the program.
Build, Manage and Expand Agile Processes in Workforce Board Operations
Discussion Leader:
Wendy Walker-Fox, Executive Director, Piedmont Triad Regional Workforce Development Board
Jessica Raby, Program Manager, Piedmont Triad Regional Workforce Development Board
Michelle Slaton, Strategic Initiatives Coordinator, Piedmont Triad Regional Workforce Development Board
The Piedmont Triad Regional Workforce Development Board (PTRWDB) has created an internal project management tool that provides our Programmatic and Business Services teams with processes that are data-driven. The Board is able to manage strategy, providing a platform that builds internal knowledge bases. By utilizing real time labor market data and project management productivity tools the PTRWDB has created a replicable system that can be shared as a best practice with regional boards. The PTRWDB can outline how data-driven recommendations to employers; along with the implementation of project management software, has created an elevated solution that the PTRWDB sees as imperative to its long-range vision planning. This is a blueprint for providing hyper-focused workforce specific data at a regional level.
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
ETA Listening Session
How can the public workforce system improve services to workers who have not fared as well in our system as others, specifically, how can the workforce system improve employment outcomes for Black workers? Join ETA leadership to hear agency priorities and to contribute your thinking on how the public workforce system could actualize equity in its program delivery methods. How might local boards, states, and ETA reinvigorate our partnership and work together on making changes in the workforce system?
Discussion Leader:
Lenita Jacob-Simmons, ETA Deputy Assistant Secretary
Closing General Session and Lunch
Today’s Grand Challenge (and Impact) of Training Technology
The Future of Work and the economic downturn spurred demand for faster, more effective training programs for those seeking middle skills jobs. The need has never been greater for competency-based, high-tech training modalities that immerse users in the virtual classroom setting while also providing hands-on, real-world experiences that get people into good-paying jobs quickly. This conversation features three future-focused workforce boards that rose to the grand challenge of partnering with cutting-edge training providers from across the globe to place hundreds of participants into skilled jobs with just 90 days of hyper-focused, occupational training. Learn about their experience as part of the Future of Work Grand Challenge and hear about why seizing these types of partnership opportunities is so critical for regional workforce systems tasked with upskilling and reskilling their local labor force to meet the new demands of evolving economies.
Discussion Leader:
Ron Painter, President and CEO, National Association of Workforce Boards
Abby Marquand, Partner, New Profit
Laurie Bouillon Larrea, President, Workforce Solutions for Greater Dallas
What's Next: What to do on Monday Morning
Discussion Leader:
Ron Painter, President and CEO, National Association of Workforce Boards
Melanie Flowers, Board of Directors, Workforce Solutions Capital Area
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